Transforming Compassion Innovation Trust

Hospital Services Management

Quality of Care & Expansion of Specialized Services

    • Expansion of specialized services such as ICU, CCU, NICU, SCANU and Dialysis unit
    • Specialized Outreach surgery
    • Establishment of HDU facilities at major department of medical college hospitals
    • Quality of Care

Ensuring quality of care at all service points is the key issue in the management of HSM operational plan. The development of National healthcare standards is vital in maintaining a consistent service delivery throughout the country. The OP will introduce the 5S-CQI-TQM approach in the management of all secondary and tertiary care hospitals. Improvement of hospital environment, ensuring proper service delivery, maintaining the quality of care and a cordial management-community relationship are the main focus of the TQM approach. . Active participation of lower and mid-level managers wills play the key role for proper implementation of the Program.


  • Developments/updating and Implementation of National Health Care Standards at secondary and tertiary hospitals.
  • Introduction of different SOPs and quality improvement tool kits in healthcare facilities
  • Capacity development of the service providers regarding TQM approach (5S-CQI)
  • Orientation and motivation of community to help management for smooth functioning of healthcare facilities
  • Introduction and maintenance of TQM approach of management at district and tertiary care hospitals.
  • Continuation of operational research on quality issues
  • Coordination with Quality Secretariat (HEU) and hospitals under DGHS & private sector
  • Introduction of standard patient care forms (all type of patient request & report) for hospitals
  • Development of Hospital Manual and SOPs related to quality of care and ensuring the SOPs in practice.

Name of the Sub-Activity :

  • Functioning of QIT and WIT at hospitals
  • Implementation of 5S
  • Capacity development of service providers
  • Patient Information, Registration and Quee Management System
  • Implementation of PDCA model
  • Development of QI Monitoring framework and regular monitoring of QI activities
  • Logistics Support
  • Honourium, Remuneration & Consultancy