Transforming Compassion Innovation Trust

Hospital Services Management

Private Healthcare Facilities & Accreditation

The close partnership and collaboration between public and private hospitals is vital for ensuring comprehensive coverage of all healthcare needs of people. But it is imperative that private healthcare facilities should be under close supervision. The regulatory framework will be updated.  A comprehensive private healthcare act should replace the age old 1982 ordinance. Establishment of an autonomous National Accreditation body for accreditation of hospitals and laboratories will contribute to the delivery of quality care in private sectors.


  • Strengthening of HSM for monitoring and supervision of expanding private health sector (hospitals, diagnostics, private practice)- for profit and non-profit (HR, space, logistics, transport, IT support).
  • Development of a Comprehensive Monitoring strategy and policy with Technical assistance.
  • Provision of Standard Medical Waste Management, ensuring quality care and a referral system in Private facilities. Regular advocacy workshops with private healthcare facilities will be organized.
  • Approval of National accreditation bill. Establishment of National accreditation body and functional accreditation program.

Name of the Sub-Activity :

  • Development and implementation of regulatory framework for private sector hospitals
  • Capacity development of concerned Officials and workers
  • Accreditation of private hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers
  • Development of a comprehensive monitoring strategy with Technical Assistance and Monitoring & Supervision
  • Advocacy workshop at Private hospitals, clinics for emergency management, serving poor etc.
  • Monitoring and Supervision